Monday, September 21, 2009

Grace of Amma - First Direct Experience

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah!
None of us in the family were not familiar with any of the direct experiences with Amma. We only knew from what we read from the biography of Amma. Amma was visiting Hyderabad for 3 days. We all had planned to attend Amma's programmes for all the 3 days and bought tickets for the pujas that will be conducted by Amma.My younger brother was studying Intermediate and one of his practical exams was scheduled on the last day of Amma's visit. On the morning of scheduled practicals, he received a call from his college informing that his practical exam got postponed by two days. Our joy knew no bounds. We were all happy and knew that it was the grace of Amma that was responsible for this posptponement.We all could participate in all the pujas and had Amma's darshan. This was the first time that I personally observed the shower of Amma's grace.

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