Saturday, August 22, 2009

Instant Bliss

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah !

Welcome to my blog on achieving instant bliss. We perform all our actions with the consious /unconsious expectation of getting happiness out of that object or action.Through this blog , I would like to discuss the various approaches to life to achieve happiness in our daily activities. I would like to share my experiences with you all as how the teachings and grace of Amma can help in daily life to make our lives an everyday festival. Applying Her teachings in daily life is helping me in handling various situation both in personal and professional life .On the occassion of Ganesh Chaturthi today , I humbly pray to Amma & Lord Ganesha to remove all the obstacles in our lives and help this blog provide solutions to handle the challenges of day to day life to millions of brothers and sisters in the blogosphere.

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