Monday, September 28, 2009

Attitude and Bliss

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah !

Amma says that we do not have any control on the behaviour of others or situations. The only thing that is in our control is the way we react towards others or situations that impact us. This approach towards life has always helped me in day to day activities. It is basically of viewing a half filled bottle. It is up to us to view it as a half full or half empty . The first approach is that of positivity that helps us to look the positive side of every person or situation . The other approach is that of negativity or complaining where in we look at the negative side of the other person or situation. If we follow the positive approach we will not be disappointed with unfavourable situations .This will help us to maintain our calm without getting angry.
The reason we have problems all around is because everyone is in the process of wanting others to change. Everyone are ready to give advice and ready to do anything to change themselves. They key factor here is that if we change positively, others will automatically change for better.
There are also other factors that help us in achieving a positive outlook. We can discuss it in the future postings.
Koti Koti pranams to my beloved Amma

Facing Life with Confidence

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah !
Amma's influence on me as an inner guru is increasing day by day. After meeting Amma , life has taken a positive turn for me. Faith in Amma has always instilled confidence in all my actions. As years passed by , the faith that Amma is my Guru and that Amma is with me and whatever experiences I undergo is happening with the knowledge of Amma - my inner guru - is helping me in facing life with enthusiasm . The belief that Amma will not ask me to solve any problem for which I do not have strength and that Amma will give me the necessary strength and skills to face the various challenges of life and that the purpose of these challenges is to help me grow in life to get the required mental strength to grow in life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Power of Amma's Mantra

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah!
I visited Vallicavu on Dec 30, 2005 ,welcomed the New Year there and requested Amma for Guru mantra. Amma blessed me by giving the guru mantra of my Ishta devata. It was Jan 2nd ,2006 and I was returning back to Palakkad to my relatives place. I went to the Kayamkulam bus stand to board a bus to Palakkad. I boarded an interstate Deluxe bus from Trivandrum to Coimbatore with very limited stops. There were many passengers and I had to stand for long time. I got a seat when the bus about to reach Ernakulam. There were 3 more hours of journey left before I reached Palakkad. At Ernakulam bus station, I saw both the driver and the conductor getting down the bus.It was around 11:45 am . I assumed that the bus will have a halt for atleast 15 mins since I saw both the conductor and driver getting down. To reserve my seat, I put my hand baggage in my seat , informed a gentleman seated behind me that I will be back after attending nature's call. I went to the public toilet just a few metres away and came out in less that 10 mins. While on my way back to the bus, I noticed that deluxe bus in which I had placed my bag with my valuables moving away. I tried running behind it but it was out of sight in seconds. I went to the bus station master and informed about the incident. He said he will contact the next halt station of the bus and ask them to put the bag in that station. He directed me to board another bus so that I can find my deluxe bus en route. I boarded another bus to Thrisur. By Amma's grace the bus ticket issued by the deluxe bus was an electronic one that had the issue date of the ticket and had the names of my boarding and destination points. So I was not charged any fare by the bus conductor of my new bus. My bag with all my valuables was travelling in another bus. All I could do was chant the mantra that Amma gave the previous day. The bus conductor was getting nervous since I was travelling on a ticket issued by another bus. He wanted me to get down before Thrisur to prevent any raid by the ticketing squad and hence was looking ahead to see my bus en route. He showed me the deluxe bus that was halted in Angamaly due to some war of words between one of the passengers and the bus conductor. I ran to my bus and found my bag placed near the drivers place. On seeing my bag left in the seat , some of the passengers searched it and placed it at an isolated place.The gentleman behind me dozed off and did not alert the driver or conductor about me getting down for nature's call.Finally I united with my bag due to Amma's grace and the power of HER mantra. All I could do was to mentally prostrate to Amma's lotus feet.

Amma's Sankalpa

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah!
After 9/11 in the US, there were very few projects in my company and they were not paying the salaries on time. Salaries were paid with a delay of two to three months. My father was about to retire in few months . I was looking for jobs in other companies, but was not successful. I fail in the crucial stages of the interviews. I was eagerly waiting for Amma to visit Hyderabad so that I can tell all my distress to my beloved Amma. When it was my turn for darshan, I told Amma that my company is paying salaries with a delay and that I was failing to get through interviews. When Amma heard me, SHE said that SHE will make a sankalpa (It means a divine resolve). I was relieved that I could pour my heart's woes to Amma and Amma agreed to resolve it. I had read at some place that whenever Amma does a sankalpa, SHE solves all the problems that we are not aware of .
Few months passed. The salaries continued to paid late and I continued failing in any of the crucial stages. Some of my colleagues left the jobs. When the project managers of the outsourced project in US came to know of the condition of the people working on the project panicked as to what will be state of their project if the people working on it leave it for other jobs. They decided to have their own employees and open their office in India. As I was managing their project , I was assigned the task of finding an office here. I was told to keep it a secret so that my employer is not aware of this. I was given guidance by an advocate who happened to be the cousin of the project manager in US. We finalized on an office space. Luckily it was a ready made space with all the networking in place.
It was the year 2003 - the year of Amritavarshan - Amma's 50th birth day celebrations. My family decided to partipate in the birthday celebrations and went to Amritanagari at Kaloor staduim in Ernakulam. After I returned back from Amritavarsham, I was offered job in their new company. I was given the post of Manager, my salary was doubled and I was given a joining bonus. I am still working in this company. My compensation has been steady and now manage the entire company.
All I can say is Koti Koti Pranams to my beloved Amma - Who is a goddess to me

Grace of Amma - First Direct Experience

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah!
None of us in the family were not familiar with any of the direct experiences with Amma. We only knew from what we read from the biography of Amma. Amma was visiting Hyderabad for 3 days. We all had planned to attend Amma's programmes for all the 3 days and bought tickets for the pujas that will be conducted by Amma.My younger brother was studying Intermediate and one of his practical exams was scheduled on the last day of Amma's visit. On the morning of scheduled practicals, he received a call from his college informing that his practical exam got postponed by two days. Our joy knew no bounds. We were all happy and knew that it was the grace of Amma that was responsible for this posptponement.We all could participate in all the pujas and had Amma's darshan. This was the first time that I personally observed the shower of Amma's grace.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Developing Faith in Amma

Om Amriteshwariyah Namah !
The web based project that I was managing was going well. I had enrolled myself as a volunteer to take part during Amma's annual visit to Hyderabad. I applied leave for about 3 days and got sanctioned by my project manager in India. It was during that time when one of the founders of my company stationed in the US was visiting India. He wanted to clean up the staff and was planning to cancel all the vacations and introduce pay cuts. I was in dilemma about my leaves to visit Amma. My project manager in India said that my vacation could be cancelled as his boss from US was serious about many things . It was only faith on Amma that kept my hope alive.
As mentioned earlier, I discuss with my project manager in US daily through Yahoo IM on daily tasks. On that day before I was supposed to leave, the US project manager said through chat that he is impressed with my work and they are planning to send a gift voucher as a token of appreciation for my work. I showed this chat to my both my project manager in India and his boss from US. They were in a fix as they cannot stop a sincere worker from taking his deserving vacation for a noble cause. So they had to sanction my leave during Amma's visit. What else can I do other than mentally thank Amma for helping me get out of a tight situation .